Right To Your Door
Imagine this, a subscription service where every second Friday you receive a luxury kit straight to your door, containing a chilled bottle of Mumm Rosé Champagne with a curated collection of items to celebrate each occasion.
We know this sounds awfully specific and that’s because this isn’t just a dream scenario, this is an exclusive reality by Champagne Mumm who have created New Zealand’s first luxury Champagne subscription.
The limited edition subscription is available for just 100 lucky Champagne lovers. In celebration of the traditionally summer serve, the subscription service will deliver four bespoke kits across an eight week period which highlight a different rosé Champagne occasion that can be enjoyed throughout the year.
If it goes well, which we have no doubt it will, the concept could be expanded further.
“Rosé Champagne is a beautiful drink you can enjoy all year round, and on many occasions, and this year we’ve made it even easier for people to enjoy Mumm Rosé, delivering it chilled straight to their door. Each kit will contain an occasion in a box, and create a bespoke experience for consumers to enjoy,” says Champagne Mumm Ambassador, Ophélie Neil.
This is a perfect opportunity to make a special event out of your Friday nights, enjoying Mumm Rosé across four different occasions, packed up and ready for you to enjoy.
Visit mummrosefridays.co.nz to order your subscription today!